If I was a guy…

…my wardrobe would have clothes by Endovanera

(Images from here)
Endovanera is one of LA’s up-and-coming menswear labels created by David Hershberger and Mitch Moseley. Their work has been described as “17th-century England, 2st-century Tokyo and futuristic intergalactic style all at the same time”. I love the decontructiveness and versatility of their garments, and the tailoring is impeccable. Check out the detailing on the sleeve cuffs of the jacket (third pic down on the left from above), and the tapered pants (below)!

(Tapered Pants – image credit here)

Hershberger, the designer of the duo, used to create custom jeans out of an old boathouse for friends. However in April this year, the label found a new niche for their collection and production studio. Tucked beneath an underpass in Echo Park, near the bridge on Glendale, in an inconspicuous – almost hidden location, you find Endovanera’s minimalist studio gallery named: Front St.

(Front St: image credits here)

Here, shoppers can browse through the full range of their current collection, as well as have the opportunity to order from past season’s collections. There are over 100 fabrics and hardware selections to choose from, and David himself drafts custom patterns and carefully sews samples using an heirloom sewing machine in the open studio (see pic below).

(Front St: image credits here)

Although their collections tend to be on the ‘dark/emo side’, most will find pieces that will become staples in their wardrobes. Below is a peek at their current Fall 2008 collection:

(Fall 2008)

But, there are some good new for the ladies! Olga Nazarova, a formal intern at Endovanera, along with pal Theresa Becker-Wayman, have helped design a new womenswear line for the label. The collection is due for Spring 2009, and will include “more urbane pieces such as slouchy tees, tailored dresses, and jackets with peekaboo cutouts,” as well as “softer, more bohemian fare: tiered-ruffle skirts and bloomers conjured in tribute to Stevie Nicks.”

(Image credit from here)

These guys are definitely one label to look out for, and now that they are introducing a womenwear label – I won’t have to consider having a sex change anymore to wear their stuff :p

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