A rant about shop thieves…grrrrr

One thing that really irritates me and gets me all rucked up…is when people steal. I know some people resort to stealing because they have no job and no money and have no choice but to steal in order to feed their starving families and blah blah blah blah blah…but seriously – what percentage of these people are genuinely that desperate? And how does a couple of pretty summer dresses, handbags and handful of accessories help feed that hungry child at home? Well I walked into a women’s clothing store today and nearly got bowled over by a guy running out the door with a bunch of stolen goods stuffed underneath his puffer jacket. The poor girl behind the counter had to run out the door to chase him but he was a speed racer and disappeared in seconds. I don’t know how long he was in the store before I got there or if it was just a mad grab and dash…but he is a bad person and I hope that security managed to get him. Bad bad people that steal. Bad.


And now on a different topic, today’s weather was refreshingly nippy and it was so nice to wear one of my thick snuggly scarves for a change. Here is what I wore today:

(Black top by ‘Only’; Thrifted ivory knit cape/bolero; Thrifted knitted textured scarf, Black Lee supatubes, Paolo Bonchini ankel boots)

So I’m thinking that these photos aren’t very clear and something tells me that it may be time to dust that big mirror out in the lounge…

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