The things we do for flame-grilled chicken…

Ok, so this may be a slightly random post, but tonight we just had the best Nando’s chicken experience ever. 5 of us squished into a car and drove a WHOPPING 45 minutes out to an area called Frankston to eat at the Nando’s restaurant that a friend of ours had opened recently for moral support (and to fill our bellies of course). We ordered one whole chicken, 5 chicken thighs, 5 chicken wings, 5 chicken ribs, 2 large fries, 1 large salad, 3 bowls of spicy rice, and 1 small coleslaw and 3 chocolate mousses – absolutely DELICIOUS and I totally recommend (Nandos in Frankston everyone!!!!!)

Anyways the dumb thing is, I took my camera along so I could take pics of what I ate (I am also quite the food critic/lover) but by the time we got there I was soo hungry I totally forgot and pigged out (hehe). So here is what I wore out tonight instead…photos taken when we got home, post-pigged out and squished in a car for 45 minutes.

(Grey Singlet – Gorman Organics Tank; Thrifted black cardy from TradeMe; Karen Walker Mini, Black opaque stockings; Thrifted black vintage Cilla heels from TradeMe)

One of my guy mates commented on what I wore which I found rather amusing, the conversation went sort of like this:
Guy Mate: “Gosh Di how come you’re all dressed up just to go to Nandos?”
Me: (surprised laugh) “Eh? Do you call this dressed up?”
Guy Mate: “Well…I think so. I mean, you’re wearing heels and all”
(referring to my vintage Cilla heels here)
Me: “Right…well if you call this dressed up – you aint seen nothing yet buddy”
Ah boys.

The End.

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