MOMA (Part 1) – Black and White

One of the things I was really excited about doing in New York was to visit the art galleries and museums. They are great sources of inspiration and it is always exciting to see what new and established artists and designers are creating. After having studied fashion I was interested to see what major trends I would discover, such as as colour palettes, shapes, graphics and prints, objects and so on. I had a quick chat with my Trends and Forcasting tutor, Lise Strathdee, an amazing woman who’s done some fantastic work in fashion/design/art/interior (the list goes on…check out her website: before I left for New York and she gave me a few tips on what to check out.

We visited the Museum Of Modern Arts (MOMA) on a Friday after 4pm, as it was free admission (yes, cheapskates I know) and boy was it was chocka! There were plenty of exhibitions to see and lots to photograph so I’ve decided to divide my pics (as well as some of Marie’s and Celeste’s) into 4 separate groups: Black and White; Texture; Colours and Prints; and Objects of Interest.

A wall of framed black on white shapes, each of them different from one another. I wouldn’t mind having 9 (3×3) placed on my wall.

An interesting combination of black and white abstract images and symbols (man, nature, bacteria…).

A clever combination of miniature images of ‘people signs’ to make up picture of a man’s face. Click on the image to see a close up :o)

A striking display of the kitchen’s most dangerous of tools…knives. This took up an entire wall (had to wait patiently for people to get out of the way to get a clear shot), quite fitting for a wall of a restaurant or kitchen.

This is a close up of what an entire room was covered in from wall to ceiling – these intricately detailed drawings (each ‘brick’ about the size of handspan), which look to be telling a story of some sort. Wished I could have stayed longer in the room to find out – but it was super packed. Seriously amazing stuff.

If I recall correctly, a piece of work by Pablo Picasso…

Pretty 1940’s style fashion drawings.

I like the play on depth with this black and white print. Can imagine this print on tees, stationary , cutlery, and bed linen.

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