We experimented with line drawings and the picture below was done in class of a male model’s face…BLIND. Yup, we had to stand away from our easel and draw our model without looking at what we were doing for about 2 minutes I think (maybe longer). I actually really like what I managed to draw – kinda looks abstract but not too far from the real thing!

Planar drawing is the use of lines to create depth and volume. It kinda reminds me of weather forecast pictures hehe. This was harder than it looks.

We started experimenting with the use of black ink or paint and little ripped up pieces of cardboard to draw. The first picture is a warm-up session of quick 15-30 second drawings of our model.

We then proceeded to drawing our model in longer poses…as you can see this particular model was quite the gym buff and rather toned.

A drawing of a close-up of our model’s face using paint and cardboard pieces. This is the same male model as above – I hope that you can tell from my use of lines etc that he is a bit on the older side, about early 40’s I would say.

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